The Torrington Telegram | Public Notice No. 8180

2022-05-13 03:59:38 By : Mr. Jason Wang

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PUBLIC NOTICE City of Torrington     ) County of Goshen     ) State of Wyoming     ) The Torrington City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, May 3, 2022 in the City Council Chambers at 436 East 22nd Ave. at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Adams, Council Members Kelly, Kinney, Patterson and Steinbock. Also Present: Clerk/Treasurer Strecker, Attorney Eddington, Director of Public Works Harkins, Assistant Chief of Police Connelly, Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Estes and Deputy City Clerk Anaya. Mayor Adams called the meeting to order. Councilman Kinney led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Adams presented a Community Hero Award to the staff and volunteers of Goshen County Public Health. Mayor Adams led the session with informational announcements on the following items: 1. Weather updates; 2. Announcement that the City passed a much-improved solid waste ordinance. Reminder to the public to please follow all solid waste regulation ordinances as we transition into summer; 3. Announcement that the annual spring clean-up is scheduled for 04-30-22 through 05-14-22; 4. Announcement that the City has been experiencing vandalism at its parks. Surveillance cameras have been installed at all parks. Any individual identified as vandalizing City property will be prosecuted; 5. Announcement that garage sale signs are not allowed on City utility poles; 6. Announcement that the City of Torrington is accepting applications for seasonal employment; 7. Announcement that the Wyoming Department of Transportation has traffic counters installed throughout the City; 8. Request to the public to not use any of the City’s sports fields as a dog park. Announcement that animals are not allowed on the sports fields during non-sporting events. Request to the public to please report any suspicious activity to the Torrington Police Department; 9. Announcement that a Goshen County School District bus driver has noticed a dangerous amount of texting and cell phone use trend amongst drivers. Request to the public to refrain from using their cell phones while driving. Announcement that the Torrington Police Department is aware of the issue. Officers will be on the lookout for distracted drivers; and 10. Expression of appreciation to the Torrington Ambulance for their exceptional service as they continue to work to protect the health and citizens of Torrington and Goshen County. Councilman Kelly moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the consent agenda which includes the minutes from the 04-19-22 Council meeting as published and all actions therein be ratified. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Patterson moved and Councilwoman Steinbock seconded to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Jess Milner with the Corner Bar requested approval of a catering permit for a Wedding Reception to be held on 06-25-22 from 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. at 436 East 22nd Avenue (Lincoln Community Complex Pony Express Room). Councilman Patterson moved and Councilman Kinney seconded to approve the catering permit as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Attorney Eddington read a proclamation declaring May 15-21, 2022 as Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Week. It recognized EMS as a vital public service, and recognized the value and the accomplishments of EMS providers. With the theme, Rising to the Challenge, the proclamation also encouraged the community to support EMS providers. Councilwoman Steinbock moved and Councilman Patterson seconded to approve the proclamation as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Attorney Eddington read Resolution No. 2022-6 authorizing the submission of four Wyoming Homeland Security grant applications for the purchase of essential vehicles and equipment for the City of Torrington. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker stated that grant applications in the amount of $223,851.00 will be submitted to Wyoming Homeland Security for consideration of funding the purchase of the following essential vehicles and equipment: 1. Torrington Emergency Management Vehicle - $63,285.00; 2. Torrington Police Specialized Mission Vehicle - $65,812.00; 3. Torrington Central Dispatch Radio 2 Project - $22,402.00; and 4. Torrington Water High Zone Tank Genset & Fence Project - $72,532.00. Councilman Kinney moved and Councilman Kelly seconded to approve Resolution No. 2022-6 as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Director of Public Works (DPW) Harkins presented the bid results for the FY22 SCADA Systems Renovations (Phase II) Project. He stated that staff recommends awarding the bid to Timber Line Electric and Control Corporation of Morrison, Colorado in the amount of $113,867.00 and reserve $1,000.00 (0.9%) for contingency for a project total of $114,867.00. DPW Harkins indicated that the project consists of the construction of a fully operational SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system that is in compliance with all applicable codes at seven locations in the City of Torrington’s water supply and distribution system. He commented that the bid from Timber Line Electric and Control Corporation was the only bid received and it was in conformance with the bidding requirements. Councilman Patterson moved and Councilwoman Steinbock seconded to award the bid to Timber Line Electric and Control Corporation of Morrison, Colorado in the amount of $113,867.00 and reserve $1,000.00 (0.9%) for contingency for a project total of $114,867.00 as presented. Motion carried unanimously. The bills from 04-20-22 to 05-03-22 were presented for payment. Councilman Kelly moved and Councilman Patterson seconded to approve the bills for payment as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Adams asked for public comments, questions or concerns. None were heard. Councilman Patterson moved and Councilwoman Steinbock seconded that there being no further business to come before the Mayor and Council to adjourn at 7:37 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. The following bills were approved for payment: 73396 AT&T MOBILITY cardiac monitor transmission fee,modem for ambulance 59.82;73397 SOUTH TORRINGTON WATER & SEWER DISTRICT museum-water/sewer 69.62;73398 STANDARD INSURANCE CO premium-long term disability 2040.63; 73399 WY DEPT OF REVENUE sales tax 20002.32;73400 WY RETIREMENT SYSTEMS Torr Vol EMT Pension 37.50;73401 NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS payroll withholding 144.00;73402 CITY OF TORRINGTON payroll withholding 110.00;73403 DENT, DAVID A. Golf Pro Payable 700.50;73404 GOSHEN CO DISTRICT COURT CLERK payroll withholding 100.00;73405 GREAT-WEST TRUST CO LLC payroll withholding 1425.00;73406 NEW YORK LIFE payroll withholding 359.37;73407 VANMATRE, SUSAN credit refund 115.15;73408 GARCIA, KASIE deposit refund 38.15;73409 MACKEY, REBECCA reimb-proof of rabies vaccination 50.00; 73410 BUGHER, RON credit refund 47.43;73411 WY DEPT OF FAMILY SERVICES refund ERAP payment-received in error 188.73;73412 SANSONE, GARY reimb-straps/pull airplane out of sand off runway 100.00;73413 SCHICK, JEFF reimb for fuel-FDIC trip 89.00;73414 ABSOLUTE SOLUTIONS radio battery-ambulance 419.25;73415 ACCUSCREEN MOBILE DRUG TESTING SERVICES rapid screen drug tests 280.00;73416 AIRGAS USA LLC gloves 293.51;73417 AVI PC Well #16 Project 1170.00;73418 EAC SUBMISSIONS electronic claims submission 73.80;73419 BLOEDORN LUMBER CO-TORRINGTON recipro saw blades,pvc tubing,couplings,sprinkler valve box,screw hooks,funnel,spray bottle,fasteners,elbows, hose clamps,multi cement,screws,grade stakes,tape rule,door bottoms,pvc valve,adapters,slip cap,tee, pipe,paint,bushing,concrete mix,nipple-curbstop riser 454.39;73420 BLOEDORN LUMBER CO-TORRINGTON smoke alarms 292.50;73421 CAPITAL ONE TRADE CREDIT batteries 473.10;73422 BOMGAARS SUPPLY INC. utility scoop,hose shut-offs,sweeper nozzle,garden hoe,battery,connector,6-outlet tap,cap/gasket,sprayer tips,hose washers,gift card-retirement,work boots,dog food,cat litter, cutting wheel,wood handle,hose clamp,hose barb 860.65;73423 BORDER STATES INDUSTRIES INC. coding tape,copper,wire,transformer bracket,breaker box 5581.75;73424 BROWN CO filters,fuel element,oil 321.85;73425 BROWN, KENNETH T. Court Appointed Attorney 670.00;73426 CNA SURETY WY PE position schedule annual bond 100.00;73427 COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ambulance supplies 532.11; 73428 ALYSSA MARIE COULSON professional services 290.00;73429 COZAD SIGNS LLC sign-fire station 2250.00;73430 D A R E tobacco compliance checks 400.00;73431 DANA KEPNER CO INC. meters 16940.00;73432 DECKER, STEVE sand for greens,quicksilver broadleaf/moss control,roundup,wetting agent,weed killer 4398.68;73433 DOOLEY OIL INC. hydraulic oil 175.38;73434 DOTY & SONS CONCRETE PRODUCTS INC. concrete cornhole game-Pioneer Park 2495.00;73435 DWYER INSTRUMENTS industrial pressure transmitter water tank 267.86;73436 EDM INTERNATIONAL INC. UG Feeder Design & Bid Project-Cold Springs 869.00;73437 ELITE EDGE FIREARMS LLC instructor development course 1000.00; 73438 ENERGY LABORATORIES INC. lab testing 1079.00;73439 FBI-LEEDA INC. training registrations 1390.00;73440 FIRED UP RESCUE LLC fire hose 1980.00;73441 FRITZLER, LARRY & DEBORAH pump septic tanks 356.00;73442 FUEL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS install new reset-slow flow for RUL 1600.55;73443 PRO QUALITY PEST CONTROL rodent control 130.00;73444 GOSHEN CO VICTIM'S ASSIST 2022 annual contribution 1000.00;73445 GOSHEN DIESEL SERVICE diagnostic check,slack adjuster-brakes 240.00; 73446 ENVIROSAFETY winter lined gloves 256.53;73447 HAAS, AMY mileage reimb 42.12;73448 HAWKINS INC. sodium hydrox 50% diaphragm 3029.99;73449 HEILBRUN, STEVEN ALAN carpet cleaning 250.00;73450 IDEAL LINEN/BLUFFS FACILITY SOLUTION trash bags,toilet paper,sprayers,cleaner,toilet bowl cleaner,foul-out cleaner,paper towels,toilet bowl brush 1042.57;73451 INBERG-MILLER ENGINEERS landfill new cell design & permit renewal 3062.75;73452 INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTORS glass cleaner, marking paint,grabber tools,flat washers,nuts,washers,bolts 322.66;73453 KATH BROADCASTING CO LLC tower rent,City Council meetings,easter egg hunt sponsor 675.00;73454 L N CURTIS & SONS bunker gear name tag,shirts,pants 472.55;73455 LIFEMED SAFETY INC. grid paper rolls 110.86;73456 LONG II, DEREK J. tree spraying 3004.00;73457 MCI A VERIZON CO long distance/911 call backs 15.64;73458 MOOREHOUSE INC. planted pine trees 750.00;73459 MOUNTAIN WEST TECHNOLOGIES CORP TVFD internet service 100.00;73460 VIAERO WIRELESS phone set up,wireless hotspots 698.13;73461 NORTHWEST PIPE FITTINGS INC. restraint bolt/gasket kits,restraint gland packs,pvc cleaner 470.94; 73462 ENVIRO SERVICES INC. lab analysis 174.00;73463 PANHANDLE GEOTECH & ENVIRO INC. asbestos testing 670.00;73464 THE L L JOHNSON DIST CO line marking chalk 512.40;73465 PETERSON, DOUG reimb-work boots 154.99;73466 PITTMAN ELECTRIC LLC isolate circuits/pull wires-south fire hall 1850.00;73467 PORT-A-POTS BY TDS INC. stationary units 492.42;73468 PROFORCE LAW ENFORCEMENT glock 9mm magazines 1071.00;73469 RICHEY, MICHAEL Airport Operator Contract 1666.67;73470 ROCKY MOUNTAIN RECLAMATION seeding cell closing 41952.45;73471 ROSE BROTHERS INC. left/right cutting blades,hook/male clip for glove box 335.39;73472 SANDBERG IMPLEMENT INC. chain for chain saw 250.00;73473 SEA WESTERN INC. TVFD safety equipment-SCBA's 16458.00;73474 SNELL SERVICES INC. heater repair 1670.00;73475 QUILL LLC copy paper 69.98;73476 TORRINGTON FIRE DEPT professional services 800.00;73477 TORRINGTON FIRE DEPT TVFD banquet (half of expenses) 1147.00; 73478 TORRINGTON OFFICE SUPPLY rubber bands,notarial seals,internet shipping labels,copy paper, detector pen,alphabet index tabs,top tab file folders,dry erase marker,eraser,dry erase board,toner cartridge,heavy duty clasp envelopes 433.37;73479 TORRINGTON SOD FARMS grass seed HGT 200.00; 73480 TORRINGTON VISION CLINIC P.C. lenses for safety glasses 307.00;73481 TRANS-WEST INC. windshield washer hose,jet kit for windshield washer 71.28;73482 CENTURYLINK TVFD phone,data lines 2519.86;73483 VERIZON WIRELESS cell phones 506.21;73484 GRAINGER portable band saw kit,marking flags 791.70;73485 WAMCO LAB INC. full chronic toxicity test,C02 atmosphere control ph creep 2100.00; 73486 ANIXTER INC. underground electric wire caution tape,insulated cap 528.00;73487 WY ASSOC RURAL WATER annual conference registration 445.00;73488 RESPOND FIRST AID SYSTEMS OF WY 1st aid kit supplies 102.70;73489 WY MACHINERY cutting edges,bolts,nuts,adjust hydraulic oil pump 1780.41; 73490 YAMAHA MOTOR FINANCE CORP USA lease-15 golf carts 9900.00 Public Notice No. 8180 published in the Torrington Telegram on May 13, 2022.

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